Wednesday, February 15, 2006

What Is This Guy's Beef? Perhaps A Case of The Jitters Or Adult ADD???

What is up with that guy that sits behind me? One would think that being an office temp would mean that you would be on your best possible work hour behavior. Logically corporate sense should indicate that he would be refraining from smoke breaks as much as possible and only hitting the restroom when necessary. I would also think that taking random walking loops around the office in order to loosen one's legs would be all together eliminated, even when faced with potential cramping or leg slumber. However, this is not the case. I vowed to start keeping a running tally of how many times this guy gets up to do random, non-work related explorations but I am too busy with my own work or pretending to work. Perhaps tomorrow I will work on assembling some type of Power Point presentation in order to show just how unproductive he really is during his 8 hour day...

1 comment:

E-Speed said...

LOL. You crack me up!