Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Steve tagged me so here it goes......

* 4 jobs you've had in your life: helping clean halls after weddings, lifeguard (sometimes I wish I still had this gig), pharmacy tech, Resident Assistant of a dormitory
* 4 movies you could watch over and over: Boogie Nights, chariot's of Fire, American Beauty, Austin Powers
* 4 places you've lived: Alliance/OH, Northern Parma/OH, Southern Parma/OH (okay this is pretty pathetic. And I don't have any others!
* 4 TV shows you love to watch: Arrested Development (f*ck you, Fox!), The L Word, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Rescue Me.
* 4 places you've been on vacation: Las Vegas, The Bahamas, Boston, Chicago (but I am not sure if running in a marathon while there justifies as a vacation?)
* 4 websites you visit daily: my blog, Runner's World, Edgewise & Lowe's
* 4 of your favorite foods: perogies, my mom's lemon wine chicken, pasta, cheesey potatoes
* 4 places you'd rather be: hmmmm some I have not been to yet but want to: Florida, Oregon, England and sometimes Alliance (yes, odd but true)
* 4 albums you can't live without: David Gray-White Ladder, ELO-Greatest Hits, Alanis Morissette-The Collection, America-History
* 4 people tagged next: Sorry, can't do this yet because not many of my friends have jumped on the blog band wagon.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm flattered my blog makes it on your list of reads. That makes one...

The Miami Vice poster would go in my office, right next to Ace Frehley....