Thursday, January 26, 2006

Just What I Need, Yet Another Reason To Hate Oprah....

Okay, isn't this suppose to be her final year or do I have to wait another 10 years or so before she is not on tv? It is not like I even watch her show anyway but even the commercials that I catch of her during the limited amount of ABC viewing that I do bothers me immensely. She needs to go away and after this whole James Frey fiasco she needs to do it ASAP.

So she realized that James Frey embellished the truth a little in "A Million Little Pieces". Sorry, I did not realize that there were actually people out there that were naive enough to swear by the truth of each and everyone one of his redundant words in the book (I swear, if I saw "fury" one more f*cking time on a page!) Didn't Tracy Chapman once say "There is fiction in the space between?" Why couldn't people just take it for what it was: slightly entertaining shock value (which it probably delivered about 65% of the time. It was not well written, despite the praise from critics, but then again Oprah tends to not care so much about quality with most of her selections.

The true problem that I have is people making it their personal bible. A whole slue of the cult members in Oprah's Book Club did swear by it and now she and everyone else is crying because they feel mislead. Okay, the first problem you have is relying on Oprah to determine your reading habits. The second problem is that if it did, even temporarily, give you something to oddly believe in and if you felt like it some how made you a stronger or better person just take that and get over it.

Actually, up until last night I had really big issues with Frey as a sellout (I even posted mocking comments on a friend's blogg) but seeing that he had the balls to go back on Oprah gave him a few bonus points in my book. Especially since he knew he was entering a direct firing zone after just a few short months ago he was being cheered looking all Eastern campus collegiate professorish in his tweed sports coat (trying show us that you have come a long way since your crack sluming days, eh?) He was lucky enough to have a captivating story at the right time with a powerful person in his corner doing the endorsing. I guess that I would only be so lucky to have one of those in my hand at a single time....

1 comment:

Rhonda Helms said...

You make some great points in here. I, too, can't believe the hubbub going on with all the memoirists turning out to be false (not surprised, though), but Oprah is a tard.

I think she handled this very poorly. She seems like she only invited him on in order to save face...I saw another post that referred to the show as a lynching - interesting...