Monday, January 30, 2006

Something New For 2006....

After many discussions over the years with different friends, I come to the conclusion that PMS is one of the biggest headaches when it comes to relationships. It greatly annoys both the woman, who's body internally endures hellish changes and the the men who many times have to suffer despite their best efforts.

With that said, I propose that modern day technology come up with some type of device that can alert bystanders when a women is going through PMS. A rough idea is to have some type of a sensor strip worn on a fashionable belt or shoulder strap on a purse that serves as the alerting device. The scale could have a variety of shades that translate how "bitchy" or "crabby" a woman is at a specific time. For instance, light yellow could signal that she is slightly aggravated but still generally pleasant toward the world, blue could mean she wants nothing more than a chocolate bar and a few minutes of alone time and red, oh crap, lets everyone know that they should avoid contact unless they want a limb to be ripped of in a matter of seconds.

You may think the idea of this device is pure craziness and possibly setting feminism behind by 200 years, however, I see many advantages to such an invention. I think it can take alot of the guess work out of this particular month and make things easier on both sexes. Heck, I would agree to be the first guinea pig! That way if people see that I am particularly crabby one day they know why instead of just assuming that I am always a extremely difficult. Now, I agree that this device might not be for every woman. I know that some are blessed not to have moodiness during PSM (either that or they are really good fakers!) but I know that I & even some of my friends would benefit from such a modern science marvel!


Rhonda Helms said...

LOL - I'd totally use it. hahaha

A. M. Mericsko said...

and we can sell them for $19.95!!!

Rhonda Helms said...

oh, hell yeah...we'll make tons of money...mwahahahahahahaa *rubbing hands together evilly*

A. M. Mericsko said...

I know, we need a get quick fast scheme (using a Dr. Evil eyebrow lift)!