Thursday, December 22, 2005

Would you take a "do over"?

What if you were given the chance to take back a certain moment that happened? More specifically, would you take back a brief moment where words were exchanged? What if these words were the truth but that the truth could change dynamics of a specific relationship forever?

It has become common advice of the wise that honesty is the best policy, hands down. But what if some forms of honesty go against the grains? Everyone has had these moments were the truth has flown freely. Those times that work against the Adam Ant lyric of "When the words unspoken..... get caught in your throat." Maybe you were drunk and did not care until the sobering light of day the next morning, maybe it was done in anger or frustration, or maybe it was done as a darting race to a car as the engine was running - done as a last minute act of desperation in order to throw a life preserver to something that you knew was going to sink without action from you.

Any thoughts? Would you use the "do over" or would you just let life go on after the fact?


Sam said...

I think that while we all certainly have had things that we wish we could take back or change, it all works out. The mistakes that we make, the truths that we allow to slip, for good or ill, and the times when we've just let go all work to round us out and think about what we're saying the next time that we're in that situation. I don't know that you can really learn without making mistakes.

Plus, if we always had the option of a do-over, I'm sure it would make us much more careless and much less cautious, and chaos would ensue... at least until we did it over.

A. M. Mericsko said...

I agree a. ricci. I just think one of the worst parts is the unavoidable time frame immedately after the event happens. It is the gap of time that feels uneasy before everything starts to get "normal" again or possibly better than before. Unfortunatly, there is no way to speed it up.