Monday, December 12, 2005

Banned From Any Type Of Organized Gaming?

Everyone seems to know one of them.... Those select few that suck the fun out of sharing a casual trivia board game among friends. Typically, this person is viewed as the know it all pain in the a$$ who loudly voices their opinions (even if completely wrong) and tends to demean those that do not know an answer that the pain in the a$$ considers to be simple knowledge. We hate people like this and many of us hope never to become them because their annoyances are so great and near impossible to tune out.

Well, my friends, I must admit that I became one of those, shall I call trivia game a$$holes, this past Saturday. Sure I can blame it on the screwdriver (the drink, not the tool - although that would've made my play a bit more interesting) in hand or my inability to get over previous miscommunication, but I sadly became the cancer of recreational game night.

Can I be rehabilitated? Even though I apologized, in retrospect, is there any penance that I should still perform? How can I avoid future instances of this inconvenience for my friends? Any suggestions? Feel free to shoot them out. The trivia game's a$$hole ears' are wide open.....


Rhonda Helms said...

LOL Athena...good question. I think it can be redeemed...a good apology goes a long way. Or send something funny as a way of apologizing, like flowers, and write "i'm an a$$" on the card. lol

A. M. Mericsko said...

Thanks for the tip Rhonda! I am not sure if Hallmark has started a line of cards for this purpose but they need to!

Anonymous said...

Hi Athena, and nice blog!

In my little social circle (such that it is, a healthy mix of professional writers/poets, teaching professionals, and, ahem, grad students taking their sweet ole time on their dissertations), we rotate the a-hole role around. So maybe your turn was just up this weekend. I say take it in stride.

Unless, of course, this is a pathological behavior, in which case your friends should throw stuff at you when you behave this way.

Brian said...

I too have become dicgruntled on game night. In fact... I threatened to punch one of my best friends!!! Long story, but I'd be glad to share!!