Saturday, December 31, 2005

And To All A Good Night And Good Year....

Just taking a few minutes to reflect on the last day of the year before I go off to a New Year's Eve Party. I hope that everyone has a safe and happy evening. I also hope that most of you go into 2006 with a positive outlook both about yourself and others. Be true to yourself and give yourself the credit that you deserve.

The last two weeks of this year have taught me alot about myself and the strengths of the people around me. I hate to loosely quote Joan Didion's recent masterpiece since I know that I am not even worthy enough to look at the flame let alone hold it, but these last few weeks have been days of "magical thinking for me". A time to truly evaluate what is important to me and my importance to others. And for the first time in a long time, possibly ever, I have been able to accomplish this without feeling the need to hide behind shields or false personas that I felt were necessary for survival. Overall, it has been both a oddly humbling and empowering experience. I come away knowing that without quality friends, none of this would've been possible.

Well, I am off to go have some laughs and cheer. Nothing but the best to you all!


E-Speed said...

Happy New Year!!!

Rhonda Helms said...

Hope you had a good New Year's day!!