Monday, July 30, 2007

"How's It Going, Sporto?"

I try my hardest to strive for balance in my life. Engaging in physical activity is one of those components that I believe helps to even out the scales of my life. However, this weekend, sport took the crazy upper hand.

Relay for Life was Friday evening through Saturday morning. We had tons of fun again this year and the weather was considerably better than last year (in 2006 it rained on and off through out the night). The only heavy rain took place early on and the rest of the duration of time spent outside of Tri-C was pretty smooth sailin. We were all startin to get a little slap happy by those early morning hours (esp. me) but boxing up pancakes and sausage at 4:45 in the a.m. will do that to ya.

Sunday morning was the Hall of Fame Race in Canton. Some did the 5 mile and a few tackled the 2 mile. It was my first time doing it and I admit that I enjoyed it. The course was scenic and well marked for milage. The hills were a bit challenging but the crowd support at the end was great. The best part was the brunch that the guys made for us back at their house. : )

When I got back home I headed out again to add on for my long run. I knew if I did not get back on the road ASAP, I would most likely crash on the sofa and look for every excuse in the book not to get my milage in. It was not as bad as I thought it was going to be but I was a bit spent by the end from the lack of sleep this weekend. Later Sunday afternoon I met up with Lynn, Lisa, Michelle and Alicia to watch them show off their mad tennis skills. I only subed in a few minutes but it was enough time for me to realize that we all need a healthy dosage of lessons from a pro. Oh well, at least we all had fun!

Hope you super stars had a spiffy one!

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