Thursday, July 05, 2007

What Words Mean The Most To You?

This summer term (or late spring semester as my school oddly likes to title it) I get the pleasure of teaching an oral presentations class (yes, just the fancy, shmancy name for a "speech class"). I must say that I have enjoyed it so far. However, give me a few more semesters of teaching it and i am sure that I will be moaning and groaning just like a majority of teachers do. However, for the time being the class is new and shinny to me. This leads me feel inspired and energenic in the classroom. But with sticking to the theme I mentioned prior, give me some time at it and I might become as bland as a talking brand flake. Or worse, a mumbling Grape Nut. God, those things are the worst.

Anywho, for a recent speech topic I had my class speak about the best piece of advice that they had ever received. I wanted them to cover what the advice specifically was, where and when they heard it and how it directly applies to them.

So, what do all of you consider to be the best piece of advice you ever recieved?

1 comment:

Brian said...

My high school baseball coach once lectured us about integrity vs. despair, a stage late in life when an attempt is made to find meaning, hope and satisfaction about ones life. I can think of nothing worse than living out my final days not believing that I ever accomplished anything of value in my life.