Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Because I Think...

Kelly has already covered the back nine with Hunter Thompson on course that makes Pebble Beach look like a poorly kept mini-golf set up & was able to locate Falwell and give him a hearty bitch slap.

I know that my buddy Steve is taking a hiatus from the blog posting. Although he stated that he is done with blogging, I am begging him to reconsider. Take as as long of a break as you need to process all this fucked up and unfair shit. Some day I hope you come back to it because I need your funny and sacrastic commentary to brighten my days. And you sure as hell know, by far, that I am not the only one in cyber land that needs your crack. Because, well, free internet porn can only do so much for me.

Chatting with Steve about the funny Kelly memories was helpful last night. God, there are so many of them. In looking back, he was one of the funniest people I ever had the opportunity to know. Much of his humor was due to his brilliant mind that was able to serve up such whitty social commentary at the drop of a hat.

The best thing about it is that many who have a mind such as his opt to follow the path of "assholehood" or "dickhood" --- I guess also throwing in the made up slang of "vaginahood" would keep it gender equal but that word just does not have the same effect. For example, I have had many profs. over the years that have had, in my opinion, comparably great minds to that of Kelly Lowe but their arrogance laced and snobish attitudes (look how much smarter I am than everyone else in my circle of academia and lets not even get into how high I tower over you undergrads/grad losers.) left them as being more memorable as prinks instead of as high intellegent people. That is what made Kelly so different and better --- he was down to earth and approachable at any time.

That's all I have to say about that now. Off to work on another section of my teaching portfolio that is due this week. With that said, you know which teacher man's philosophy will be knockin around in my cranium.

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