Sunday, March 18, 2007

Sunday Afternoon Reflections...

Did not get much of a chance to tackle this on Sunday due to formatting lesson plans, having a long drawn out im session and feeling like crap so I am starting it up again while my students are doing some group work.

Got a chance to do alot of thinking since Saturday night. Unfortunately, not by my own choice, I am single again. Really did not see this one coming and from what I believe from my ex I am starting to wrap my head around the idea that this was not planned. Still hurts pretty bad, none the less but I know that alot of others have been through far worse and in the grand scheme of things, less than 5 months is just a drop of water in the bucket.

Perhaps this is my own fault for not be cautious enough. Usually I am with so many areas of life. I would even say overly cautious, worrying about things that are beyond my control. I know that many would say just to go with it when you are in a relationship but I wish that I would've kept a better hold on my heart as things progresses. Oh well, classic, especially girl mistake. Right?

Now toying with the option of being friends. I wonder if that is really going to work? Have any of you had experience with this area? I know I feel pretty confused and upset right now so I have my doubts. I know what I want and I know what my ex wants, in examining those desires we are far away, at least at this time, from meeting somewhere in the middle.

I promised myself that I would use this time to get some stuff in order with my life. Do some thinking and try to rebuild in areas where I know I have suffered recently. We shall see how that goes because right now I am pretty distracted. I guess give me a day or so longer to climb back on that horse.


E-Speed said...

I'm sorry to hear that. You'll recover and be stronger for it.

The friend thing usually doesn't work out. If only because you always have this idea of who that person is and it isn't ever in line with who they truly are. If that makes any sense.

But it is worth a shot, especially if you both still care about each other.

It sounds like you are in need of a large green alcoholic drink. How's Friday night for you?

A. M. Mericsko said...

thanks girl! very good words of wisdom there. yeah, i have stopped trying to make sense of it all and attempted to focus on other things. friday sounds spectacular! i believe that there is a large irish wake with my name on it!