Tuesday, March 20, 2007

The Great Weather Deceiver

In Philosophy class at Mount, Jen and I used to always joke about "the evil deceiver". Primarily just because the terminology is fun to say. I have to admit that the weather recently has been that of a great deceiver.

When I went for a run outside today I sported shorts, a long sleeve t-shirt and and jacket. Judging from the amount of sunshine that I observed from the quick peek out my balcony this afternoon I thought that I would be dressed appropriately. The low to mid 30s optical illusion climate fooled me and I was a bit chilly during my 5 mile run. Oh well, I at best be doing some accurate checking on the weather situation before I venture out next time!


Anonymous said...

Let's hang when you get into town! (When will that be?)

A. M. Mericsko said...

I think April 12th, let me check.