Thursday, March 08, 2007

I'm Back!

Sorry everyone! I know that it has been a loooong time since my last update! Really I have no excuse besides the fact that my computer and password was giving me beef so I was unable to log on. WTF??

Anywho, as many of you know, my time with McDonald Investments has ended so now I am enjoying a little well deserved free time while I soak up a bit of severance and do the teaching gigs at Tri-C and Bryant & Stratton. Personal life is also going quite well too. I learned that having the great "religion talk" can be a bit uncomfortable when you are in a relationship but keeping a calm attitude and open perspective can do wonders. With the weather warming up (wahoo!!! Heat wave in the 30s!!) my running has also improved. No desire to do a marathon this spring but toying with the idea of a half in April or May. We shall see.

Hope everyone else is well! Maybe I will catch up with you at The Jaycees St. Pat's Party on Saturday!

Pssst.... I will be the drunk one in green by the bar!!


E-Speed said...

Hey girl. David didn't seem to enthused about the party. I hope you have fun and raise lots of money!

Brian said...

Atleast you were just BY the bar and not ON the bar! Hope you had a good time!