Saturday, March 31, 2007

These Boys Got Some Stellar Game...

My friends have some flippin cutie pie kids. I hope this trend hold true for me, but considering the way that I make fun of other people (esp. those that I can detect any sort of visible weakness on), I may be screwed. Oh well, we shall see what the cards hold for me one day.

Luke and Anthony (or A-Train as I have dubbed him) are working their magic above.

Marching Upward & Onward

I must admit that I am pretty happy to see March leave. My final assessment on this last day of the month is that this span of days we know as "March" came in and marched the fuck all over me. It has been a month of changes that have come in the form of love ,confusion, more free time, anger, more time to be consumed with unwanted desires and “what ifs” then I ever thought possible, emotional stomach sucker punching, success, self-realization, conquering my doubts, having doubts and then being semi-I think I might be okay with my doubts --- what a fucking month. However, I sit here on this last day of the month finally with a form of clarity that I have not had in quite some time. I am good and going to keep being good. That is the way it is gonna be. My parents and I always joked that in grade school, which was k-8th for the private school brat that I was, my grades would be good one year and not so good to border line horrible the next year. I am hoping that trend stays true with months for me because a much needed positive month would be aces right about tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

What is Next?

This week I was able to make a some headway in thinking about my future and what choices I would maybe like to pursue after classes are over in May. In an odd choice, I decided to possibly take the GRE. I was lucky and did not have to take this test to attend graduate school at CSU. However, I know that if I want to pursue other degree options, I will need to take this exam- most likely the general and subject portions of the exam. I am generally a poor test taker so I know I have my work cut out for me. Been revisting some dusty books I have on my shelves and also utilizing the practice tests online. Not sure what I am tinkering with getting myself into but it looks like I will find out...

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

A Shot Out To Some Of My Peeps...

Just givin some random Tuesday high fives to some of the fine folks I school around with...

Alicia & Johnny: High five on getting the condo all boxed up (well, for the most part, in understand), decluttered, and ready to rockin roll. I wish you many prospective buyers that pop in to take a looky look.

Jenn L: High five on livin it up in Vegas. Who cares if you dropped more benjamins than planned. You had a blast and that is all that matters. You also can now sport a "Vegas, Baby" tank top. Not too shabby.

Jen D: High five on keeping in good spirits despite the bum ankle. I am very impressed with your mental attitude and stationary bike discipline (everyone knows that thing can be a bear to straddle and take for a ride).

Brian and Teresa: High five on progressing nicely with the baby plan. Keep me posted and all good maternal thoughts are with you.

Becky: I know you are out there working your buns off puttin in those long days and with the weather getting nicer that has to be even more of a challenge. Keep doin what your doin, old roommate.

Liz & David: High five for entertaining me on Friday with great conversation and drinks. We need to hang more often.

Gina: High five for keepin me laughin on Friday and Saturday. Great job conquering the Irish Wakes and Miller Lites with me.

Andrea: High five for being the "Big $5" sideboard winner. I think you are stellar and awesome. Stay away from tools that say, "A pain in the ass during the week and a pain in the ass during the weekend"

Get some other peeps later, go to jet for now. Enjoy your evening!

Monday, March 26, 2007

Saturday Fundraiser & Shootin Pool!

Pocket that striped ball, Roxy!
Big sideboard winers, Andrea & Gina!!

This past Saturday I had fun at a fundraiser (I know, I am captain redundancy this morning!) and shooting pool/dancing at The Blue Moose! Lately I have become quite the fundraiser whore, but what can I say? I like to give to charity and oh yeah, get a lot of beer for one flat price. : )

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Get Your Drink on at Sullivans!

Thumbs up for Sullivans and for Clams!
Say cheese!

Clams on the wall!

Here is to good friends and good drinks!

A toast to Bass!

Read that book, David and Gina!

Drunk readin makes for an interesting comprehension!
Liz and me getting our drinks on!

I love Sullivans Bar in Lakewood. Really no way around denying that it is a great place. It is a laid back bar in the midst of many other bars in Lakewood that are filled with the hooched up younger crowd that prefers tank tops, dancing and loud music above all else.

I prefer Sullivans because it is a great place just to chill with friends. A steady stream of not too overpowering Irish tunes keeps you in good spirits while you enjoy tasty treats and a good selection of drinks (not all the drinks are of the Irish nature too!). They have one drink in particular that is my personal poison. It is called "The Irish Wake". Not sure what the hell is in it but it tastes a lot like grapefruit juice and can knock you into a state of tipsiness faster than any fruity drink I have ever come into contact with. It does have the steep price of $12 (half price on Thursdays!). But I feel it is well worth it. Even better when your good friends pick up the tab for yours! Thanks again Liz and David! You are aces!

Friday, March 23, 2007

Just to Prove

Some are a little shocked that I attempted skiing (well the very tiny bunny slope, that is) and did not kill myself. I guess I can't blame them since I have been known to take a tumble when doing anything more than walking and chewing gum. How have I survived 7 marathons without a slam into the ground??!!? I, the rest of my friends, and God,are still pondering that one. Here is proof. Although the pict does not show me in action (if you can call the sloooooow speed I was going at "in action").

Jumping off the Adverb, Adjective and Prepostion Train...

Just after spring break is a tough time to get students back into the swing of being alert and disciplined students. After handing in their essays on their favorite character in "Dead Poets" Society, I decided to implement a little Dale Carnegie reading into the curriculum. I think that they, as a whole, responded quite well. Perhaps those that fall back on the argument of "How does this crap actually apply to what I want to do in life?!?", will temporarily change their tune.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

This one is for you, K.T.

Wow, it has been six years this May since I graduated from Mount. Yikes! Sometimes it seems like only yesterday that Becky, Jen, Holly and I were getting in water fights (why the hell did we ever think it was cool to throw large amounts of liquid in our rooms at one another anyway?? But it was a hoot at the time) and also playing "hide the cheeseburger (yes, it actually is as bizarre and twisted as it sounds). Other times, when I think of the things that I have accomplished over the last six years (places of employment, additional degrees, car, moving out) it seems like a lot longer. However, I think that now, very appropriately, is a good time for me to look back and reflect on what I felt and what I gained from the last month and 1/2 of college.

When I knew the end was near, I started a paperclip chain. Much like Jen's dad had done in anticipation of retirement from the police force. Sure it was more than a little queer but it also helped me to put into perspective the amount of time that was slowly, but steadily slippin through my fingers. They started to come off one by one until I had a bigger and bigger pile. It started to freak me out.

I knew I wanted to attend grad school, I had a few options lined up but nothing was for sure and money was also a concern. I began to contemplate my full-time/part-time school working circumstances. All these "big girl" thoughts were racing through my head as I still tried hardly to enjoy myself and everything around me since I knew it would soon be changing very fast. where the hell did the time go from September to late March?? I had no idea and the more I tried to hold on to it, the more it kept slipping through my fingers.

However, those last few weeks of college were great (minus the cap and gown incident. If you have not heard that story, hit me up sometime, it is a good one!) And I spent the time really enjoying the people and environment around me. I realized although I said I would keep in touch with many, there would be few that I actually would hold true with on that promise. So I dedicated myself to getting my fill of those people, if, unfortunately, we never crossed paths again.

I also learned to appreciate the work I did as a scholarly student (although sometimes that attitude slipped due to watching Dawson's Creek or having our screaming contests. Yes, we actually used to see who could wale the loudest in our dorm rooms.) I stressed about my SCE (senior culminating experience) but learned to relax and appreciate all the hard work I did when it was over. I had more confidence in my abilities after that event and after evaluating my progress as a student.

Running is whole different facet. I learned to truly appreciate the companionship that being on a team allows and I also gained respect for the value of a hard and honest workout. Things that have slipped a little (obviously so in my post-collegiate weight gain). All in all, my cross country and track days were filled with irreplaceable laughter.

If I had to go back to that time in my life again I would not change a thing because I know that I took the time to really appreciate it as I was going through it. I knew that time for responsibility and commitments was going to be fast approaching so I seized and held on to dear life for my last hurrah as a college kid.

As for my life now, I have few complaints. Seems like every phase of your life brings new challenges but it also brings new forms of happiness and excitement.

Enjoy wherever you may be. : )

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

The Great Weather Deceiver

In Philosophy class at Mount, Jen and I used to always joke about "the evil deceiver". Primarily just because the terminology is fun to say. I have to admit that the weather recently has been that of a great deceiver.

When I went for a run outside today I sported shorts, a long sleeve t-shirt and and jacket. Judging from the amount of sunshine that I observed from the quick peek out my balcony this afternoon I thought that I would be dressed appropriately. The low to mid 30s optical illusion climate fooled me and I was a bit chilly during my 5 mile run. Oh well, I at best be doing some accurate checking on the weather situation before I venture out next time!

Monday, March 19, 2007

Good Times

One things ends and another thing begins..... : )

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Sunday Afternoon Reflections...

Did not get much of a chance to tackle this on Sunday due to formatting lesson plans, having a long drawn out im session and feeling like crap so I am starting it up again while my students are doing some group work.

Got a chance to do alot of thinking since Saturday night. Unfortunately, not by my own choice, I am single again. Really did not see this one coming and from what I believe from my ex I am starting to wrap my head around the idea that this was not planned. Still hurts pretty bad, none the less but I know that alot of others have been through far worse and in the grand scheme of things, less than 5 months is just a drop of water in the bucket.

Perhaps this is my own fault for not be cautious enough. Usually I am with so many areas of life. I would even say overly cautious, worrying about things that are beyond my control. I know that many would say just to go with it when you are in a relationship but I wish that I would've kept a better hold on my heart as things progresses. Oh well, classic, especially girl mistake. Right?

Now toying with the option of being friends. I wonder if that is really going to work? Have any of you had experience with this area? I know I feel pretty confused and upset right now so I have my doubts. I know what I want and I know what my ex wants, in examining those desires we are far away, at least at this time, from meeting somewhere in the middle.

I promised myself that I would use this time to get some stuff in order with my life. Do some thinking and try to rebuild in areas where I know I have suffered recently. We shall see how that goes because right now I am pretty distracted. I guess give me a day or so longer to climb back on that horse.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

I'm Back!

Sorry everyone! I know that it has been a loooong time since my last update! Really I have no excuse besides the fact that my computer and password was giving me beef so I was unable to log on. WTF??

Anywho, as many of you know, my time with McDonald Investments has ended so now I am enjoying a little well deserved free time while I soak up a bit of severance and do the teaching gigs at Tri-C and Bryant & Stratton. Personal life is also going quite well too. I learned that having the great "religion talk" can be a bit uncomfortable when you are in a relationship but keeping a calm attitude and open perspective can do wonders. With the weather warming up (wahoo!!! Heat wave in the 30s!!) my running has also improved. No desire to do a marathon this spring but toying with the idea of a half in April or May. We shall see.

Hope everyone else is well! Maybe I will catch up with you at The Jaycees St. Pat's Party on Saturday!

Pssst.... I will be the drunk one in green by the bar!!