Thursday, April 06, 2006

The Top Three Sound Offs Of The Moment...

Listed in no specific order of importance. A grab bag! Who has time for that organization crap, eh?

1.) Why are so many people addicted to TIVO? Seriously, I don't have any kids so I don't consider myself to be all that busy but I can't even find the time to let TIVO save the shows and then watch them. I have one really old VHS tape that I have been using for years. The quality really blows by now but it does the trick (somewhat). It is my $2.75 solution. If I miss something really cool on tv by forgetting to consult the TV Guide than so be it. Or, I rely on the smarts & generosity of my friends that maybe taped it. Come on, devoting hours of time to catch up on your TIVO? Are you serious? Go outside---ride a bike, play with a stray dog, do charity work or invest in a new hobby! Seriously, those that are addicted scare me. They scare me alot.

2.) Why do we always seem to want more? Yes, raw ambition is inspiring and sometimes even sexy but when it starts to affect a person from being happy that leads to big problems. Whatever happened to being satisfied, or at least faking happy?

3.)All marathons are 26.2 miles. That is the distance. For those of you that did not know that fact, please feel free to spread the word! Trust me, runners are not amused by hearing such sentences as "And how long is this marathon?" or the infamous "I don't even like to drive that far!" The novelty has long since worn out.

1 comment:

E-Speed said...

LOL! I love even more when someone asks which marathons qualify for Boston...any of them that are 26.2 ;) (try to keep from rolling eyes)

ahh the naive!