Sunday, April 09, 2006

Fun With Numbers

26: The total number of marathons the ladies in Jen's bridal party will have run after next monday. Knock on wood! Jen corrected me on this. Good catch, Jen!

5: The number of years Risko will have been out of college come the first week of May.

3 1/2: The number of times Risko dozed off during Palm Sunday mass this morning.

1: The number of John Cusak movies Risko has enjoyed.

254ish: The number of times Risko has proclaimed that she needs to get Showtime.

8: The number of miles Risko ran today.

Too many: the amount of calories Risko comsumed while eating junk food with friends on saturday night.


E-Speed said...

junk food= carb loading!

A. M. Mericsko said...

not sure if mini donuts count as "carbs". lol! at least not as many as i was eating!

Unknown said...


4. Times I must watch a Family Guy episode before
deleting it off of tivo

6. Times a day I swear at Bubbles under my breath
for text messaging me with his non-verizon phone

25. Beers I think you should be required to drink
before being allowed to say that you don't like

103. Times I have not recognized someone from
college or high school and had to fake my way
through a conversation.

3. How many miles high I would think risko's
pedestal was if i didn't know her and only read
this blog.

A. M. Mericsko said...


LOL! Especially on the Rob point. How many times does that kid need to text that he is horny?
However, I disagree with your last point. I think it is more like 5 miles high!
"I am trying to watch Mr. Belvedere!! Stop talking!! When you dropped kicked your jacket as you came through the door, no one glared!!!!!!"