Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Packing: I Hate It!

I started packing for my trip to Boston last night. Well, I did not actually start the physical packing process. I just attempting to make a list of some of the odds and ends that I might forget if I don't write down. The little necessities like, toothbrush, travel hair dryer and vitamins. Some of the items that I know I will be kicking myself if I forget.

I have never have been a fan of packing. If I do it too early I tend to have second thoughts and unpack most of my belongings. If I do it at the last minute, I have a constant fear that I have forgotten the vitals like underwear or my asthma medication. Either way, it tends to be a complex issue for me. In many ways, I wish I had the mental state with packing that Jack Nickolson's character had in "As Good As It Gets." Yes, he was overly anal about packing for trips but he was neat, organized and seemed to always have everything that he needed. Ahh, to wish that my OCD extended into this area. Instead I have to settle for the "Did I lock the doors?" of "Did I leave my straight iron on?" phobias.

One would think I should be a seasoned packer or at least have a semi-skill for it. In college I competed on teams where over night trips were common. However, maybe it does not take much thought to throw sweats, running shoes, a cd player and a casual set of clothes into a sport duffel bag. My process of packing continues tonight. Fingers crossed that I get a little further!


E-Speed said...

just pack everything you own, thats what I do ;)

A. M. Mericsko said...

I tried but the dvd player and microwave would not fit!

Sam said...

I have to do the making lists thing too... even though it's always the same things... toothbrush, toothpaste, contacts, glasses, wallet, cell phone charger, inhalers, and watch. Gotta check 'em off when they're in, though. Haha.