Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Just When I Needed Another Reason To Dislike Ken Blackwell..

Okay, I know I have been giving the play by play of Boston recently and I intend to wrap it up this week but I was just too fired up to let this one pass by.

Not sure how close many of you are following the republican candidate race for governor, but here is what Ken Blackwell freely told reporters when asked why he supported Ohio's constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage and opposed civil unions:

"I don't know how many of you have a farming background, but I can tell you right now that notion even defies barnyard logic... the barnyard knows better."
Comparing people to animals. Have we reached a new low? Please, when election time rolls around, DO NOT vote for Ken Blackwell.


Brian said...

Ken who? : )

A. M. Mericsko said...

That is all you need to remember! : )

E-Speed said...

lol. he's an idiot. politicians make me sick!