Wednesday, August 02, 2006

One Day You Are Going To Get To The One That Really Hits You...

These were the words that one of my friends mentioned to me a few years ago right after college graduation. During the time period consisting of the years directly after college many of my close collegiate friends started to get engaged and married. It is during this time period that we like to refer to by the terms "Weddingpoloza" or "Mount Marriage" since they seemed to be happening like rapid fire and every season became a non-stop party of planning, showers, ceremonies and receptions. It was a great time and I loved ever part of it.

In lue of all the excitement, I remember one of my friends saying the subject line because even though it was a little crazy at first to think of my friends as married women it was somewhat, well, I guess, expected for me to see them that way. The friends I had met in college were either dating or soon started dating their soon to be husbands while I knew them. My friend knew that some day I would get to that friend that I knew for a longer period of time, the one that I knew for almost my whole life and when that engagement happened it would probably be the biggest change.

Well, that moment has come. Last week, while on vacation with John, Alicia got engaged. I was so happy and honored that I was the second person that she called to tell the good news to (after her parents). Even though I did threaten her many times that if I was not one of the very first to know that I would be seriously pissed at her! The news has made me happy and excited for them. It has also made me quite nostalgic this week.

Alicia and I have been friends since kindergarten. And this is no joke. I know that sometimes friends can use that line as a cliche' in front of others just because they "knew" or "occasionally hung out" with someone back in those grade school days but with us it is 100%. Even got the pictures to prove it. Back in those Mrs. Shunk days. I swear, that lady had to be close to 100 when we had her and I think she had at least 10 more years of teaching after we moved to 1st!

After grade school (we did the kindergarten - 8th grade deal because of Catholic schooling) it was on to different high schools. She went on to the the Catholic school on one side of Parma and I went to the Catholic school on the other side of town. During that freshman year we talked but not as much, giving each of us some breathing room to meet new people and make new friends. As high school progressed we had some new buds to our claim but our friendship was still just as strong.

After high school it was on to college. Alicia decided upon a bigger state school in Southern Ohio known for its academic prestige. I opted for a small liberal arts school pretty close to home. The college years were kind to the both of us. Alicia stuck with the clarity and focus of an ice arena while I claimed solace at the track or wooded trails. Alicia took the medical and science path while I found a joy in the English humanities. Science vs arts. That was just the tip of the iceberg when it came to the differences between us.

Alicia was always the perfectionist. The one with the hair always perfectly in place. We used to joke about all the hair clips that she had in her collection. I, on the other hand, was lucky enough to make it out the door with clothes on my back and a brush run through my hair. The perfection penetrated past the exterior and into the interior of herself considering how smart and talented she was at academics. Mostly the straight A student, Alicia excelled at most things involving education. I on the other hand, the student that really did not start paying attention or giving an ounce till about 7th grade, preferred the mediocre mentality. Years later I wonder why I never tried cheating off of her in matters concerning book smarts. I guess that better part of me containing my conscious just got the best of me as it sometimes does.

If I tried to sit down and list all the reasons why we are still friends and why Alicia is so important to me, it would be impossible. It is hard to sum it all up and put into words why I am so happy to soon see her share her life with John. A man that is a great person and a perfect match for her.

I think a major reason why we have been able to stay so close is because she makes friendship easy. I can count on one hand the number of major fights that we have had over the past 21 years. And that is alot considering that friendship between girls can have the tendency to be petty at times. We have been through some good and challenging times over the years but we have always been able to go through these events with open communication and mostly smiling faces. I can't wait to see what the next twenty-some years bring.

1 comment:

Brian said...

Well, now atleast you won't have to labor over writing a speech at her wedding if you're asked to do it : ) I hope she has a chance to read this!