Monday, August 28, 2006

A Penny For Your Thoughts Concerning My Next Career Move...

With rapid rumors flying around Key/McDonald Operations that UBS will be buying out Key, I decided to put some thought toward my next career choice. Every few months the rumors heat up that another firm will buy out Key. In the two and a half years since I have been there I have heard National City's name thrown around quite a bit. Towards the end of work today I heard more people talking about it and I even heard that some were crying. As for me, I choose not to think too hard about it since it is not really a secret that I have been looking actively for employment elsewhere even before I heard of the serious rumors. I refuse to get my stomach all in knots and risk getting diarrhea over something that I inevitably have no control over. But I guess I can see some being upset. Especially those that have spent a majority or even their whole careers with this one company.

So, dare I ask, if fate does have me making another move, what should be my next choice? Perhaps taking a huge loan and opening that bar that me and my one friend always discussed or should I start to finely tune my fire juggling skills?

1 comment:

E-Speed said...

That turnpike is sounding mighty good eh? Go back and get a teaching degree! It sounds like you like teaching those classes!