Monday, August 28, 2006

A Little Bit Loose & A Little Bit Tight

The entertaining drunken bachelor party boys from Detroit (sporting U of M gear and all!) that we met at the Tribe game on Saturday kept making references to the subject line so I think I'll use it to give the weekend round-up! They did buy us beer so they earned their shout out.

The weekend was a pretty good one. Headed over to The Budapest Blonde martini and wine bar with some friends for a belated b-day gathering. I really enjoy that place. Very low key, intimate and smoke-free. I realize that the drinks can be a little pricey for some but they do use top shelf alcohol and use a good amount in all their mixed drinks. After two you are flying pretty high.

The run on Saturday morning with Jen went fairly well despite the humidity. The both of us both felt pretty well physically which is a step in the right direction considering that we have both seemed to be plagued by injuries while training for the Marine Corps. Marathon. I think we are finally starting to get our crap together for this one!

Went to the Tribe game on Saturday night. The seats were pretty sweet (thanks Uncle Thud!) but we did have some grievances about the thick heat because we were under the overhang. However, the icecream after the game helped to remedy that.

Sunday was mostly devoted to getting all my school crap organized for my night class that begins on Tuesday. Finished all the stapling of the syllabuses and junk so I think I am in pretty good shape. Also went for a long walk with Deb while we managed to mostly avoid the rain. Watched half of "Broke Back" and had some serious concerns about the caliber of movies being released this year considering the dynamite showcase last year. I know it is still early in the game and the holiday hype has not yet begun but I am still thinking that it might be a light year for Oscar worthy contenders.


E-Speed said...

You didn't like Brokeback? I bawled the whole time.

A. M. Mericsko said...

No, I loved Brokeback. I am disliking the movies for this year's Oscar run but I know that will change around the holiday season.