Thursday, August 31, 2006

The Things We Do For Crushes....

Last night at around 2:30 am (had some issues sleeping due to my sinus congestion & asthma) my mind started to wonder to obscure topics. Right after my second hit of my Albuterol inhaler (odd because I rarely have to rely on it in non athletic pursuits) I laid in bed and began to think of all the curiously stupid things I have done in the past for the sake of crushes. Some I did when I was younger and others I did when I was older and probably should've know better not to be so over zealous with my actions.

After taking a mental inventory as I tossed my sheet on and off and did the fourth rotation of pillows under my head in order to aid my breathing ailment, I came to the conclusion that the one that takes the cake has to be when I decided to take a summer class during college just because a crush of mine was going to be taking the class. Looking back, it was a a great class, in fact on of my favorites that I took at Mount Union but my rational behind initially deciding to peruse the class was humorous and logically flawed.

Anyone else want to share what they have done in the name of a crush? Come on, I know you got some good stories out there....


Anonymous said...

I have done countless high school it was "drive-bys", or "walk-bys" (by his classes, by sports practices, etc.) or loitering in the halls when I knew he would be walking by even if it meant being late for class. Looking back it is a bit like stalking. College was the same, I suppose. Staying in the cafeteria for hours just to catch a glimpse! I have not done anything too drastic-other than the repeated stalkings. Jen D.

E-Speed said...

LOL I think I was a stalker like jen too. In college I would purposefully walk by my crushes room in barely there pjs and hope their door was open, haha! I was a freak!

Unknown said...

My favorite is from my best friend in grad school, who really didn't want to be in grad school, but was in love with the red-haired girl taking history of rhetoric. As I got to know him it became clear that he was taking all of his classes based upon the scientific fact that "she" was in these classes. He ended up with an MA in writing. She ended up marrying a Marine.