Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Things I Would Really Like To Do When I Am 27

Okay, one day into it and I am going to start thinking big. We shall see how long this motivation lasts! It is the job of all of you out there to make sure that I do not fall off the horse or if I do fall off, I dust myself off and get right back on.

1.) Lose some pounds and get in better shape. Marathon running had kept me in pretty good cardiovascular shape over the years however my crappy diet has kept the pounds on. I need to eat more of the good stuff and leave out so much of the sweets and fats. I was looking back at pictures this week from my junior year of high school and I had some definition in the ab area going on. Not sure if I will ever be able to make that happen again but I am going to give it a shot!

2.) The weird passive aggressiveness needs to stop. My mom is the queen of this tactic and currently my attitude has been leaning towards assuming her ranking. If I am upset I need to express it in a diplomactic means. Life is too short to keep things bottled up or wreck relationships over dumb reasons.

3.) I need to meet different types of people. Dahler and I have been having a discussion of specific types. I have met some AWESOME new folks this year (Liz, Brian, Lisa K just to name a few) I need to keep this trend going because the more people I meet the more I learn. : )

4.) Get my career path on track. Alot of you know my job dilemmas recently. I am trying to make some changes and I need to remember to keep being persistent and not let minor set backs discourage me too much. The important thing is that I keep the faith and push forward with my efforts.

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