Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Learning to Grow, Growing to Learn...

As many people know, I am very interested in the concept of "self improvement". However, as many also realize from either watching their own behaviors or observing others, that taking an avid interest in a particular facet opposed to actuality implementing it into one's life are two very different beasts. However, when push comes to shove, I believe that taking the extra stride and actually doing the work to improve both your life and the environment that you live in can help you in the now and in the future. In addition, I am also aware that the label of "self improvement" can many times be one of those crap terms that can be frequently up for debate and receive harsh criticism regarding what truly works and what is just quasi-arm chair psychological bull shit. Or even the professionals can be a little too much at times (Dr. Phil, I know you have the credentials but your voice just pisses the holy hell out of me). Aside from all the chitter chatter, I wanted to share one thing that I have learned over recent times.

I remember around 2 years ago one evening when I could not sleep. In order to help me fall asleep I turned on the tv and ended up flipping to CSPAN. It must have been during the summer months because they were running old commencement addresses. I do not recall which school it was for (I wish I would've paid closer attention) but the speaker was Spike Lee. One of his key points concerned making sure that you surround yourself with positive people in your life that want to see you succeed and find happiness. Make sure these people also motivate and push you to accomplish what you desire. How true this point really is.

Throughout my life I have been lucky to have so many great people that take an interest in my life and encourage my to reach new goals. Even at times when I stumble (which tend to be many) those people in my life are there to encourage me to get back up and keep moving forward. Sometimes I remember to thank them, but many times I simply forget. So to all of those that have helped me along the way to realize what is important in life, I thank you. You have helped me to become the person that I am today - a work in progress, none the less, but a person that is aware that I can do good and have wonderful sources of inspiration all around me.

Sometime I forget how lucky I am to have such a wonderful group of supporting people in my life. Those that are not only for the most part positive, but also highly driven and focused on achieving things of substance in their lives. They care about their happiness as well as those around them. Those people especially in today's society can be a rare find, so keep your eyes open for them and get as many as you can. It is okay to be a little greedy when having these type of people in your life.

Gwendolyn Brooks: "Believe me, I loved you all. Believe me, I knew you, though faintly, and I loved, I loved you

1 comment:

Brian said...

Some people have given up long ago on trying to improve upon things in their life. I'm with you in two regards... making the effort to self-improve is key and Dr. Phil is a complete ass.