One of the best moments was getting to see Matt, Julie and little Caroline! Matt, you see, was my former "work husband" when we resided in the Sales Support Department at McDonald Investments. During our duration as co-workers we also enjoyed fun outside of work activites such as playing golf (more like him schooling me during the game), going to Cedar Point and just shooting the shit like school girls.
After the company buy out, Matt and his family headed back to Indi where he now works for National City. I was bummed to see my buddy go. : ( I did get to see Caroline a weee bit before they departed (leaving me with a kick ass dining room table set. You guys rock!) but I was sad because I thought i would not see them again for a while. Well, all that changed on Saturday when I got to see Matt, Julie and little Caroline at our old department's reunion at Single Tree Winery! It was a blast! Good times with old friend, wine and a cute baby. Really can it get any better? I dare not believe so.
This one was taken just a few weeks after Caroline was born. When they were still residing in O-Town.
The kid and a glass of wine. Guess if I think this is funny I should probably hold off on having kids for a few years.
Paul, just be glad she left her brass knuckles at home this time. Both Linda and I thought this was pretty funny.
Baby behind the bar with the co-owner, Todd. Big pimpin
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