Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Mid Week Thoughts...

Some of my friends know that this week started off with some challenging, tough and sad moments in my personal life. But I guess in the grand scheme of things and what others are facing, mine would seem small and trivial. I have tried to compartmentalize my life as best as possible by not letting struggles that I am faced with creep into other areas of my life. For example, not having work issues negatively affect my relationships with my friends or running slumps affect my temper when dealing with my folks. Some days and with some circumstances, it is easier than others. Sometimes it is a challenge and this week it has been one of those.

Email has proven to be a tricky element in my life these past few days. Now don't get me wrong, I still love how accessible it is and how it is great temporary work distraction but I think it also has the erie ability to keep us closed off in protective bubbles and it can have the potential to injure the growth of establishing a real relationship.

Case in point, I have several friends that I heavily rely on email with. In fact, without it, I am not sure if we would even have a friendship. Simple but also a little scary when I think about the fact that I live so close to some of these people.

Over just the past three days I feel that I have been deceived through email, felt comforted by it and even intimately confided through it. The technology has lead me to many emotions and none of this would've happened without it. This leads me to think if email is making us all a little too comfortable because we know that we would never say that things that we vulnerably type on the keyboard if we were all eye to eye. The distance makes us feel more safe and comfortable. But is this a false sense of security?


E-Speed said...

Sorry you are dealing with issues girly.

I hate phones so I prefer email. But face to face is always the best alternative!

Start coming to the track again so I get to see you more!

Rhonda Helms said...

I hope I'm not an email-only friend!! I think you're swell, Athena!

A. M. Mericsko said...

Rhonda, you are my all-around crazy girl friend!!! Nothing but love here!!!
"We eat leg of lamb in the hot tub!!"

A. M. Mericsko said...

Thanks Liz! You rock!