Monday, March 13, 2006

Some Random Points That I Learned Over The Weekend (Not Listed In Any Order Of Importance)...

1.) Athena looks really really dumb & not sexy attempting to smoke at a bar. Oh why
won't she listen to her friends?
2.) Drunk men are not good secret keepers.
3.) A plastic St. Patrick's Day hat can also function as a barf container.
4.) A person can go from drunken gitty to passed out in 9 seconds flat.
5.) It is great to see some people that you have lost contact with because sometimes
all the bad stuff gets left in the past.
6.) My mom makes the best lemon wine sauce chicken in town & it may be more
addictive than crack or Lifetime Movies on a Sunday afternoon.
7.) Striking a pose for pictures with your friend's mom in front of an old military
tank is good drunken fun (even if only one person is drunk!)
8.) My mother cannot do any type of line dancing.
9.) I believe that I am 50% clairvoyant& I want to work on boosting that percent up
to at least 71% by the end of this year.
10.) I am 26 years old & thunder storms still scare the piss out of me.
11.) J.P. Moran is still one of the best story tellers that I have the privilege
of knowing.

1 comment:

Rhonda Helms said...

HAHAHA these are awesome...