Tuesday, March 21, 2006

A Disagreement With The Sales Pitch To Students... I Also Gotta Bridge For Sales...

The following sentence is the first blurb from the Mount Union website describing the Writing major:

Do you wish you could write song lyrics like Jewel? Are you a fan of Stephen King?

Oh heavens, do they offer a false hope package as well when you are calculating your tuition costs? Yes, it is a good attention grabber but come on! The first sentence should lead into a plan of action for you defending your major choice to your parents. "Once you have kissed any hope of med & law school goodbye, here is how you break the news to the parentals..."


Rhonda Helms said...

LOLOL Oh my lord, that's just wrong. HAHAHA - sounds like something I'd shy away from, to be honest...

Unknown said...

Well, I'm certainly glad I'm no longer there. The self-delusion seems to have increased a bit...