Sunday, March 12, 2006

Can You Really Go Back & Can It Be Better The Second Time around?

This has been a very interesting week for me. A week filled with the new, the exciting, the terrifying and the illuminating. Definitely anything but average. A thought that occurred to me this week was if it is possible to "go back home again" after a significant amount of time has passed?

This afternoon I attended a bridal shower for an old high school classmate that I have not seen in over three years. I was a little concerned that the event would be awkward since so much time had gone by. In spite of all of my fears the shower was very enjoyable. Yes, things had changed, my former acquaintances had new haircuts, some had new jobs and new significant others but the conversations flowed quite well when the right questions were asked.

I have always been a firm believer, due to former experiences, that it is impossible to return back because once "the genie is out of the bottle" it is impossible to get it back in. In other words, the magic is gone. However, after today I wonder if it is true to reconnect with people and places once again if we are willing to take a chance at feeling initially uncomfortable and apply effort at making it it real and good again.

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