Sunday, January 28, 2007

Adventures of a first time skier

As Joanne so eloquently hinted at, leave it up to me to date, of all people, a ski pro. Yeap, I have to laugh at the irony of this because as most everyone knows, I lack a basic necessity of balance. However, I decided that you should probably try to give everything a shot, even if just once. More to come....

The good news is that I did not end up in a body cast! Many guessed that would be my fate. Yes, skiing is hard, but I also learned that my attitude would control either the success or failure that I had on the slopes that night. For instance, at the top of a bigger hill (and by bigger I mean slightly larger than the bunny slope) during my second attempt I was starting to get way aggravated. Which warranted the pretty appropriate responses of "Thank God this was not our first date or I do not think there would've been a second" and "Are you ready, bitchy pants?". Those remarks didn't help at the time but they did, eventually, put things into perspective....


E-Speed said...

I want to know about this ski pro you are dating! I feel so out of the loop!

Brian said...

Did you take the lesson before you hit the slopes?

A. M. Mericsko said...

took some brief instructions from a super nice instructor named Ryan who taught me how to slow down, stop and semi-turn. forgot most of what he taught me by the end of the night!