Monday, November 27, 2006

The Importance of Manners...

I have always been a big advocate of having manners around people. Sometimes during the observations of my personal behaviors or those around me, I am pleased and other times I know that I as well as others need to work a little harder. I have learned over the years that manners is extremely vital when dealing with meeting someone for the first time.

I recently reread a book about first impressions and how vital they are to establishing yourself to others. No matter how you conduct yourself in other meetings, it is nearly impossible to redeem yourself if you have a less than desirable first meeting. With that said, always try to be gracious and pleasant when meeting a significant other or acquaintance of a friend. Even if you are not in the best of moods, try to at least fake being interested or semi-happiness. If not, I guarantee that your friends will dub you as "that person who makes bad first impressions." Trust me, that is a title that you do not want to lay claim to. Nuff said. To those that make a commitment to making positive first impressions, keep up the good work!

1 comment:

Brian said...

I have a chance to make a first impression (good or bad) in front of about 30 strangers in less than two weeks... Oh jeez, now I'm nervous! What's the name of that book?