Thursday, October 12, 2006

Lesson of Value That I Have Learned From Watching Six Feet Under...

Death happens in a variety of different ways. You better just hope that you do not end up meeting you maker because of a lightening strike, malfunctioning elevator, coal poker through the eye or by slow and painful disease.

If you are going to cheat on your spouse, just make sure it is not with a Quaker. That Quaker sex will make your head explode.

Jeremy Sisko is so fucking talented and way underrated.

Some people are just too different to be together. It is really not anyone's fault. It is just the way it is.

Thank God for American Beauty and Ball's break-through success.

Family guilt will win everytime.

A sink blocking up with blood is a nasty sight to see.

There is so much that you do no know about your parents.

Willa is a kind of cool girl's name.

Don't fall in love with a mentally crazy person. If so, one or both of you will end up dead sooner than later.

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