Monday, September 15, 2008

The Full That Would Become a Half

Looking back, this subject line resembles a bad divorce topic line. However, the gist of this post is to discuss the Erie Half Marathon. Sorry it has been a while since my last post. The new gig and moving has kept me quite busy. However, all good things so I got no complaints.

I had all the intentions of running the full marathon but I decided at the expo (if you can call it that - a pavilion in a state park with two small half tented vending areas pimpin shirts and gels) to back off and do the half. My first concern was the weather. It poured kittens and puppies on the way down making driving a bear (like all the animal references in one sentence?) Plus, the weather was warm and humid. In addition, I really cannot deny that I had been pretty lazy with the training. Yes, the fall on my knee set me back a little, but before and after the injury I still could have put in more speed and distance. Well, got to jet to class. More to come where I discuss the casino stealing my dough, yelling at Steelers fans and Brian saving my ass with stellar directions.

1 comment:

Rhonda Helms said...

hahahahaha nice...

hey, at least you're running, though!!

BTW--still have a bday card for ya. whatcha up to this weekend?