Sunday, November 25, 2007

Awe, Come On Now!

So SNL has there "Family Thanksgiving Leftovers Special" yesterday and they fail to show the BEST Thanksgiving skit EVER. I searched YouTube to show those that have been living in a cave and have not viewed it but YouTube left me empty handed.

I am guessin that you are smelling the skit that I am reheating. You know, the Air Supply spoof with the big haired soft guys jammin to their "Holiday Love" song. Ahhh, that's good shit. SNL, you let me down!

I hope you and yours had a happy turkey day!!!

1 comment:

Rhonda Helms said...

AW, I haven't seen it, but it sounds hilarious. LOL

I had a great time--ate WAY too much food. LOLOL